Monday, May 4, 2009

A God Nudge

Well, it seems God wanted to get a message across to me today. In my personal scripture reading today, I was reading in Acts 8 which chronicles the beginning of the heavy duty persecutions of the followers of Christ. Acts 8:4 says "Now those that were scattered went from place to place, proclaiming the word." It never really hit me the way that it did this time. I noted that when the going got tough, the tough got going in the early church. They reacted to their circumstances, but they held fast to their purpose and goal.

Then tonight at the opening of the Drive 09 conference, Andy Stanley spoke about leading in uncertain times (which all times are). He talked about two necessities: clarity and flexibility.

Clarity is knowing what God has called us to do. He said, "Clarity around vision clears the fog of uncertainty with those who follow."

Flexibility is understanding that while vision remains the same, plans change. He observed that we often confuse our plans with the vision.

It seems to me that I need to refine my vision, listen hard for the specific calling of God in my life.

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