Sunday, May 3, 2009

At North Point Today

It was an incredible experience attending North Point today. There is great worship, great lights, great children's ministries, etc., but other churches have that. What makes North Point unique is that they are crystal clear on what they want to do and they are always evaluating what the best way to accomplish that is.

Much of what they do would not translate to my current context. They are in a wealthy suburb of a large city, they started from scratch, and the specifics of their theology are much different than mine/ours, among many other things. However, what does and must translate is the importance of figuring out what the heck you are doing and then do it and refine it and do it and refine it.

North Point has always striven to be a church for unchurched people. So they have created environments (everything at North Point is an environment) that are comfortable to unchurched folk and encourage people to invite their unchurched friends. And it works!

I'm looking forward to spending time there learning the next few days!

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