Tuesday, May 19, 2009

24 Hours With Nothing to Show For It

Last I watched the finale of 24. It was OK. I don't watch a lot of television, at least not intentionally. I made the mistake a couple of months ago of sitting down in front of 24. The show is masterful at providing enough twists and turns to keep one hooked from week to week. In other words, it manipulates. And I fall for it.

So last night it wrapped up and at the end I realized I had wasted 16 hours (I started about a third of the way in) of my life. I could have been spending that time reading or exercising or working. Of course, I tell myself that I need and deserve a little "downtime," but watching TV isn't really downtime, especially watching 24 which I'm sure is causing whatever gland pumps adrenaline to do its thing.

I am not refreshed, I am not "re-created" after watching television. I could be playing with my son, praying, meditiating, talking to my wife, having sex with my wife, or even sleeping. Those things would be legitimately refreshing and relaxing, they would be good recreation.

I need to tag this so I remember it for next season. (Or for tonight. Glee looks pretty interesting, especially for an old high school chorus kid.)

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