Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On Being Born Again

"Jesus answered him, ˜Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above."                 John 3:3 (NRSV)
It's a phrase that can also be translated "born anew" or "born again." It's a powerful statement isn't it?  It evokes something from us, as it obviously did from Nicodemus.
Perhaps it pushes our button because we have had someone point a finger at us, literally or figuratively, and told us that we  "must be born again."  It is important to remember that long before  the phrase was co-opted by the religious right, it was an invitation of Jesus.  Yes, Jesus said we must be born again, but only if we want to see the  Realm of God, see things the way God sees them. If I am happy to see things the way I already do, I need not be born again.
For Nicodemus and, I have to admit, for me, it is a bit off-putting that Jesus would say that I need to be born again, that there are things  in me that need to die  so that I can experience new life. I mean, I am pretty religiously and somewhat spiritually adept. I am a religious insider. God is my co-pilot and all that stuff. And yet, Jesus says to me "Jason, if you want to see the Kingdom of God, you must be born again."
It's not a guilt trip. It is an opportunity. May God give me the grace to respond.

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