Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Flinging Seeds

As I have been going through the last two weeks of Steve Sjogren's and David Ping's Outflow (weeks 3 & 4), something has been drilled into me. I am to love God, love others, and serve the world. I know that I say that all the time, but there is still a part of me that believes this is not the end, but the means--the means to building a (big) ministry, a big church. Scripture implies different. Jesus' story of the sower makes it clear that all the sower can do is scatter seeds (seeds of love, as Sjogren calls them). The seeds that fall on good soil, receptive soil are going to grow. Of course, knowing a little more about agriculture now that when Jesus was speaking, we are aware that we can prepare the soil and improve the conditions for growing. But still, we can't make the seed grow--that is out of the sower's hands.

I seem to always have at least one eye on the results, on what pops up at the other end. What could happen if I just concentrated on flinging the seeds? Just focused on loving God, loving others, and serving the world?

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