Sunday, February 8, 2009

Faith Vs. Religion According to Godin

I'm reading an excellent book by Seth Godin, a marketing guru, that isn't really about marketing at all, but about leadership. It's tilted Tribes. You can see my reading notes here.

In it, he talks about faith versus religion:

"Religion and faith are often confused. Someone who opposes faith is called an atheist and widely reviled. But we don't have a common word for someone who opposes a particular religion. Heretic will have to do. If faith is the foundation of a belief system, then religion is the facade and the landscaping. It's easy to get caught up in the foibles of a corporate culture and the systems that have been built over time, but they have nothing at all to do with the faith that built the system in the first place. Change is made by people, by leaders who are proud to be called heretics because their faith is never in question." (84)

I like that, "facade and landscaping." This, of course, is nowhere as obvious as it is in the church. We have so identified with our religion that the faith, for many, is almost lost. We have safely insulated ourselves from its power.

How do we as the church, as a religion, re-engage the power of our faith?

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