Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been exploring some ways to better organize myself and increase productivity. I'm starting to realize that, at least for me, the computer isn't the best way to do that. It is good for the big things, appointments and stuff that I need to keep others updated on. But for the nitty-gritty organization of projects I need to break up and execute, digital does not seem to be best. Maybe if my dear wife would let me buy an iphone, it would work. But for now, it doesn't seem to be working for me.

In my research (yes, it WAS POSSIBLY time I could have spent doing actual work) I have found there is a whole internet subculture on productivity. There is a subculture of this subculture that strongly advocates for paper-based systems. Everything from Covey planners to 3x5 cards held together with a binder clip. Interesting stuff.

A couple of the most well-respected sites are: and

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