Monday, August 4, 2008

"put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Luke 5:4

"The purpose of a ship isn't to stay docked in the harbor. Our human souls weren't made for shallow water. We must dive into deeper waters with the help of the Holy Spirit. In these deep places the wonderful treasures of the spiritual life are found." Joshua Choonmin Kang, Deep-Rooted in Christ

Staying in the shallows is safe. It is comfortable. I know what is in the shallow water. I have been splashing around there my entire life. But Jesus always beckons the disciple to go deeper. That is where the "good catch" is. There, in the deep, is the stuff of transformation in love. Can we, will we, trust the one that beckons us to "put out into the deep water," confident that he has our best interest at heart? I, for one, am beginning to be able to imagine taking the risk.

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