Monday, July 14, 2008

True ministry begins not with giving but with receiving. We need to be filled up before we have anything to give to others. John told us that "God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him" (Colossians 1:19 NIV). (p. 25)

Jesus enjoyed his solitude, but he was also at home in a crowd. He was balanced. The time that he spent alone prepared him for the times he spent with people. In the same way, his time in the crowds prepared him for the refreshment of solitude. (p.26)

- Joshua Choonmin Kang
Deep-Rooted in Christ: The Way of Transformation
IVP, 2007

I started reading this book because I have definitely been lacking on the "filling up" side of things lately. It came highly recommended from the folks over at Renovare. It is so easy to get caught up in the "doing." It's exciting. You can see the results. But you dry up so fast.

It's so hard for me still to get to the place to be able to say that, for me, a pastor, the filling up is just as important, more important than the doing. And it's exponentially harder for people not "in the biz" to get that. I need to live it and model it.

So I am setting aside the church growth and effectiveness books for a bit and focus on sitting with Jesus. Then I'll go back into the crowds--that's my job and I really do love it. But who I am is a child of God and friend of Jesus, and that I must nurture.

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