Thursday, December 16, 2010

Real World Spiritual Disciplines #1

This afternoon, the person in front of me in the 10-items-or-less express lane at the grocery store had 14 items. I know that because I counted. And I had a brief flash of righteous indignation that for me rivals the ecstasy of sex or even chocolate.

However, that will be the last time I'll count the items of the people in the express lane. I decided on the drive home that, beginning today, I am going to start practicing the spiritual discipline of not counting express lane items. I am adding it to my rule.

I hope its practice will nudge me to the place where I can experience the transforming power of God in my life. You see, I have a judgmental heart. I think, in many cases, it keeps me from forming deep relationships with others. Does the number of items the person in front of me  has change the way God calls me to relate to him? Not in the least. That anger, that self righteousness that I feel is sin, plain and simple and I need God to rid me of it.

Pray for me in my practice!

Now if I could just stop thumbing through the tabloids.

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