Friday, May 7, 2010

The Light of God in the Prism of People

Last night, I attended the interfaith prayer circle for the National Day of Prayer in Lake Worth. It was a meaningful time for me. It is a powerful experience to gather with those of different beliefs who are willing to come together and make space for, and even engage in one another's practices.

Yes, sometimes another's ritual or practice is so different from one's own that it is a bit awkward, somewhat uncomfortable. But I see that as an opportunity for growth, expanding my understanding of God beyond what I am comfortable with.

Here is the prayer I shared, as best as I can remember it:

Our source of life, of love
We thank you for your presence with us
We thank for you for your constant, abiding presence with us always
And we thank you for this opportunity to see your light through the prism of your children gathered here
Allowing us to experience you in all of your colors and words and images and genders and sounds and silences.
Grant us your Spirit of imagination, allowing us each to see what would be possible if each of us gathered here lived fully our understanding of you, the shift that could happen in our culture, in our world
We pray especially today on this National Day of Prayer for our leaders
We start right here where we are by lifting up Renee, Cara, Suzanne, and Scott to you,
Encourage and enliven them, lift them up
Give them the courage to lead and to speak
Give them the humility to listen and make space for one another and for the voices of those they govern

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