Thursday, November 26, 2009

In and Out of Gratitude

Trish and Emerson and I are at my parent's house in Lake Lure, NC for Thanksgiving. As I was laying in bed last night, I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

I have a wonderful wife and a precious son. I have incredible, supportive parents that provided an awesome foundation and start for me. Trish and I have great jobs and the time off to come up here on vacation. We have a car that got us up here. God has provided a place of ministry for me, laying a path in front of me. I get to minister with and to incredible people. God has not only forgiven my mistakes, but in God's incredible grace, has even minimized the consequences and effects of many of those mistakes.

It is out of that gratitude that I live my life. Trying to be "spiritual," trying to "be good," to please God, for me anyway, just doesn't work. But when I think of the blessings I have, when I think of how good God has been to me, I just naturally want to live in relationship with the One to whom I am so grateful.

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