Thursday, June 18, 2009

When I Take the Time to Look...

...I learn about the plethora of important things that are going on right under my nose. Today I had the privilege of attending an interfaith open house at the Lake Worth Resource Center, a center that serves the Hispanic (largely Guatemalan) community in Lake Worth by helping them find work and learn English and job skills. I was amazed at the work that is going on there.

While there, I met a man named John who lives in an "intentional community" called Coral House Community. They are a group of people who have chosen to live together in community and serve the homeless of Lake Worth.

Wow! Sometimes I get paralyzed. There is so much that needs to be done, so much that needs to change, that I don't know where to I don't. What an inspiration God handed to me today. Thanks be to God!

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