Thursday, June 4, 2009

People Notice When We Notice People!

I have had two interactions with two different people who have each recently begun attending our church. They were complimentary of the music and the preaching. However, what both of them made a point of telling me was how much they appreciated being authentically welcomed at our church. One told me in a letter, that she had attended another church for 30 years and never felt the welcome from the people there that she has in the short time she has been here.

Let me tell you, hearing that unsolicited testimony made my heart sing! We are working hard to find out how God is at work here in Lake Worth and how we can be involved. But one way we KNOW God is at work is in welcoming God's children home. And I am so proud to be a part of a group of people who get that and our joining God in that work.

As we continue to reach out into our community, let me encourage you to continue to model God's radical love, acceptance, and grace to those who are directed into our midst.

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