Monday, November 10, 2008

You're Not Going to Believe This

OK, so this is a Guidepost story (remember that magazine?--Norman Vincent Peale's journal of miracles and angels and stuff). For my sermon on Sunday, I wanted to use Rick Warren's (at least that's where I first heard it) sermon illustration utilizing a $100 bill that I crumple up and step on to illustrate that Jesus knows our true worth, still wants us, no matter what we have been through. Simple, but effective.

BUT, I don't have a $100 bill. AND the checking account is low so I can't get a $100 bill. I'd have to skip it. As I was walking into the church Sunday morning, a woman walked up to me with a wallet that she had found in our parking lot. You've already figured it out--it had a $100 bill in it. The object lesson turned out to be very meaningful for folks.

I don't know how I feel about God being involved down to the level of the minutiae of our daily lives. But, boy, I would be a fool to say God is not!

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