Monday, June 28, 2010

The Root of All Sin...

"The root of all sin is the suspicion that God is not good."
- Oswald Chambers

I just heard this quote today. I like it so far, although I'm not sure I have fully absorbed it. Yesterday, I spoke about providence, the idea that God protects us on our journey. I believe that. (See below)

But wow, the root of all sin begins with the suspicion that God is not good, that makes me put my money and my life where my mouth is. Do I really believe that God is good all the time and all the time God is good? Do i trust  there is a God and that said God wants the very best for me? I spend every day of my live encouraging that belief in others. But this quote has given me pause; made me stop and think.

It's like Chambers is asking me "Jason, do you believe that God is good? If you do, wouldn't your life look different, be different?" It's not a matter of holding to a particular dogma. Baby, it's way beyond that. It is a question that cuts to the core of how I live my life, who I am. I can preach it. Can I live it?

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