Thursday, February 4, 2010

Standing With...

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.  Ecclesiastes 4:10
I have been reminded a couple of times this week of the importance of standing with someone. So  many people go through a lot of very difficult times alone. As disciples of Jesus, who never leaves us and as members of a faith community who claims to be Jesus' body, I believe we have the opportunity, dare I say the responsibility to stand with those who have no one to stand with them.

It is often not easy. At times it is messy.

Standing with someone does not mean we have to have all of the answers for them. It just means being with them.

Standing with someone does not mean we have to fix them or change them. Transformation is God's work.

Standing with someone does not mean we condone their behavior. Just because we accept someone, does not mean we have to approve of what they are doing.

Standing with someone does not mean we enable them by rescuing them from the natural consequences of their actions. It might, however, mean we journey with them through those consequences.

Who have you stood with? Who stands with you?

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