Friday, October 2, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I was surprised by an experience of pure abundance. I was given a bag of candy on the occasion of my second anniversary at the church. That afternoon, I opened up and began eating it.

Now, how often does an adult buy a bag of candy for him or herself? In my case, not too often. And when I do, it usually comes with at least some guilt. Here I had a bag of Dove Promises that were given to me as a gift. They were mine, given to me, with no guilt attached. They were a joy to eat.

It felt good. It felt abundant. I realized that I don't usually live with a sense of abundance. I'm always thinking about what I lack, always looking at the gap. However, the truth is I have been given so much by an awesome, generous God. I can be thankful. I can keep my eyes on the abundance rather than the lack.

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