Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Hadn't Thought of That

A value that is very important to us as a church is the open communion table, to which anyone, no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey, is welcomed. I strive to make that clear each month as we come to the table together.

However, someone asked me an interesting question this week. How does a guest know how we take communion. You might be thinking the same thing as I was: "Well you just do it." But a guest will have no idea what it is that we "just do." If they come from a different tradition or no tradition at all they will be confused and maybe even embarrassed. In fact, the family of the person that brought this to my attention told me that they didn't come to church on communion Sundays because they didn't know what they were supposed to do!

You can bet that we will be correcting that. You see, hospitality is more than just saying that everyone is welcome. It includes making sure that we are actively ensuring that everyone is welcome by removing the obstacles that stand in the way of them becoming as involved as they want to be in the life of our church.

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