Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My scripture reading this morning included two passages, interestingly juxtaposed: Luke 21 and the story of the widow's gift, and Isaiah 6, the story of Isaiah's "Here am I, send me" moment. I was struck anew by the widow's gift and Jesus' response. It is easy to give out of our abundance. It is easy for me to do something if I have the time. It is easy for me to give if I have a couple of extra bucks in my pocket and I'm not jonesing for a candy bar. It is easy for me to respond to God's call if I feel that I have enough ability.

But she gave out of her poverty. She reached in, pulled out all that she had to give, and gave it. And she gave the better gift. Better for whom I wonder? Did it actually benefit her life or did it just make her "more religious"? I guess one doesn't know until one tries it, steps out and finds there actually is something there.

Why do the greatest adventures, the most meaningful experiences, always require faith?

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