Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I can't speak for everyone, but I thought that our first "Meetup" was a fantastic experience. I had the opportunity to connect with two fantastic people, both searching for answers in their spiritual lives. In this new world of spiritual interest, there is an incredible opportunity to connect and learn from one another. In an age of spiritual awakening, we can share with one another the tools that we have to pursue the Divine. Now, my hope, of course, is that can happen in and through the Christian church. If it is, we must be nimble, willing to change and then change again. We must hold on to what we understand to be the fundamentals (and I believe our grip even on those must be loose). And everything else must be released if necessary.

In fact, I am willing to go out on the limb and say that, as we Christians would explain it, the only thing that matters, the only thing we insist upon, is a relationship with Jesus. That is our point of commonality. We don't judge those who don't share that. We can still dialogue and work with them and learn from them. But, our touchpoint for deep community comes through that relationship and the language surrounding it.

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