Monday, October 8, 2007

I was able to spend the day Saturday with four of our church members at an all day seminar by Paul Nickerson, a church growth and vitality consultant. I think it was an incredibly positive experience for all of us. Much of what was shared is what I have been sharing with the church. Much of what was shared our church has already been doing long before my arrival. It is exciting to see our denomination embrace the idea of vitality and growth.

Some ideas that were fresh for me:

* "Taste and See" Events (events hosted for the community) should always have a "hand-off" event-- "If you liked this you might be interested

* People born before 1950 come to worship to be soothed. For Baby Boomers and later, often suffering from at least low-grade depression, the
desire is for exciting worship to inspire and energize. This is why blended worship is never completely successful.

* Nickerson's encouragement to bathe the entire process in prayer was an inspiring reminder. Prayer is essential at every step of the process,
from the prayer team to prayer walks in the neighborhood, to prayer triads that listen to the community.

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