Thursday, April 30, 2009

John Thomas at Annual Meeting

I came up to the annual meeting of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ (I know, long name) a day early to hear John Thomas, the outgoing General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.

Nothing really new in what he shared, but there were some valuable insights. He based his comments on what he heard from a small, rural church pastor, that a church should be fun, safe, and missional.

I was encouraged to hear him identify us as church that is tied to the head and hands. We place great value on thinking the right things and doing the right things. And while he never said that we lacked heart, he did say that we often lack passion, the sense of mystery and awe and joy.

He gave the example of the Second Great Awakening in the nineteenth century. Yes, great social movements were birthed from that including abolition, women's rights, etc. However, those social movements were intricately intertwined with the spiritual awakening that was taking place in people's hearts.

While I appreciated what he had to say, I wonder if it is too little too late for the United Church of Christ. It is an awfully big boat to turn around. We are so invested in "what we remember ourselves to have been."