Friday, December 19, 2008

Back On Line

So, I have access to my website again. My computer and external hard drive were destroyed in our recent move so I had to recreate from scratch. My website files, along with five years of sermons, and papers, and research are gone. I was, to say the least, disheartened.

And it made me think. Yes, about the importance of offsite backup, but also about who I am. I discovered something about myself. No matter what I say (or preach) to the contrary, I really do define myself by what I accomplish, what I produce. But that isn't who I am. I am a child of God, unconditionally loved by God, and a friend of Christ. That is who I am. Anything of worth that I happen to produce comes out of that understanding of myself, not the other way around.

...and, I have article insurance so a new MacBook is on its way!