Thursday, February 28, 2008

I was talking to my friend and colleague Carol about some plans and dreams for the church. Her wise and valuable counsel to me was to make sure that I don't get drained by taking on too much. The challenge, however, is that there is more to be done right now than is "reasonable." So pulling back is not an option.

What I need is to increase what I have to draw upon. I need to be connected to my Source so there is a constant flow. It is impossible to think that I can accomplish what I feel called to accomplish unless I am drawing on God.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Trish and I went to The Salvation Army banquet tonight. It was an incredible experience. Here is a church, and they are a church, who is doing precisely what the church is supposed to be doing--proclaiming and living the gospel. Yeah, their theology is on the conservative side, but the thing about it is the dogma isn't what is important, the action is what is important. It's like they exist in a parallel universe to much of the Christian world. We are all arguing about theological and social issues, pigeon-holing one another. They are out loving people in the name of Jesus.

Thank you God for the experience.